Thursday, December 30, 2010

The Future of America's Industry: 2020-2050

No industry stands alone in today's economy. They are all dependent on each other  –  the future of manufacturing is intertwined with that of transportation, energy, education, health care, construction, defense, banking, mining, information technology, telecommunications, retail and other industrial sectors. The following are links to web sites or documents laying out views and/or plans for the future with regards to specific industries and the challenges we face:

·         Agricultral Demand in 2050 - A report on "Estimating Demand for Agricultural Commodities to 2050" by John Kruse and the Global Harvest Initiative.
·         Banking in 2050 - A report on the future of financial services by PriceWaterhouseCooper entitled "Banking in 2050: How big will the emerging markets get?"
·         Energy & America's Future   - Securing America's Future Energy web site features a report entitled "A National Strategy for Energy Security."
·         Engineering Research & America's Future  - A report on the critical role of engineering research in maintaining U.S. technological leadership by the National Academy of Engineering.
·         Future of Health Care: It's Health, Then Care - A report by CSC/Leading Edge Forum on the future of health care and eHealth technological innovations helping  to drive and suport the changes taking place.
·         Health Care Horizons 2020 - The Health Horizons Program has been mapping the landscape of challenges and responses for health care in 2020.
·         Immigration & America's Future   - This report by the Independent Task Force on Immigration and America’s Future addresses the need to meet strong economic and social demands for legal immigration and the imperative safeguard national security.
·         Physicists, Particle Accelerators & America's Future - This web site and associated report addresses the importance of physicists and particle accelerators in serving medicine, industry, energy, the environment, national security, and discovery science.
·         Postal Service & America's Future  - In their new action plan for the future, the Postal Service is now calling for greater flexibility so it can adapt its business model to serve the needs of 21st century customers.
·         Space & America's Future  - A detailed report of the Aeronautics and Space Engineering Board published by the National Academies Press on "America's Future in Space: Aligning the Civil Space Program with National Needs".
·         Supply Chain 2020: Logistics - An article in Industry Week about the Material Handling Industry of America conference and their discussions on the implications of the five macrofactors shaping supply chains in the future.
·         Teaching & America's Future  - The web site of the National Commission on Teaching and America's Future
·         Telecommunications & National Broadband Plan for America - The National Broadband Plan which lays out a roadmap to America's future that will stimulate economic growth, spur job creation, and boost our capabilities in education, healthcare, and more.
·         Transportation & America's Future - Policy recommendations by America 2050 calling for a strategic national transportation plan that provides the underpinnings for robust, competitive and sustainable growth in the 21st century.

*** Check out the America's Future: 2020-2050 web site

If you know of other credible plans or reports that have been published recently on America's future please let us know about them. Share the link to them with us.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

America's Future - Web Site Enhancements

We continue to enhance the web site America's Future: 2020-2050 with new content. We have added a number of links to new studies and video presentations. The following are a selection of some of the special reports or studies we have posted on the site that provide information having a bearing on America's future:
Check out these reports and other links on the web site.  If you have other studies, reports, videos, links, etc. that you would like to suggest be added to the site, email