Friday, December 8, 2023

Brief Overview of the ‘Theory of Cosmic Consciousness’

I was recently led to read CosmicConsciousness: A Study in the Evolution of the Human Mind, a 1901 book written by the philosopher and psychiatrist in which the author Richard Maurice Bucke explores the concept of cosmic consciousness defining it as a higher form of consciousness than that currently possessed by most ordinary men. An interesting read.  See › wiki › Cosmic_Consciousness

In his book on Cosmic Consciousness, Richard Bucke stated that he discerned three degrees, of consciousness man possesses that have emerged over time:

  • Simple consciousness, the initial level of consciousness that is possessed by both animals and mankind

  • Self-consciousness, the next level of consciousness now possessed by mankind that encompasses ‘thought, reason, and imagination’.

  • Cosmic consciousness, a higher form of consciousness than that currently possessed by much of mankind.

In summary, Cosmic Consciousness moves beyond Self Consciousness to a spiritual understanding that there is eternal life and that ‘God’ is the whole universe, the universe is God – that all things are interconnected.

Finally, in his book, Richard Bucke frequently references Jesus Christ and quotes many of his saying from the Bible. He claims Jesus was one of the early individuals to attain cosmic consciousness who tried to communicate what that meant to his disciples and millions of Christians over the centuries.

The following are some Other Notes on Cosmic Consciousness from a variety of selected articles referenced below.

  • Cosmic Consciousness is a term often used to denote a higher or particularly spiritual level of awareness and consciousness. This type of awareness may be associated with an experience of “knowing God," transcending what we know using our five basic senses.

  • Cosmic consciousness” - Is there any phrase more taboo, more unspeakable in philosophy, than this? Nowadays, to speak of cosmic consciousness is to invite ridicule by many.

  • Some philosophers argue that the entire universe is conscious, or to put it more broadly: that there is a Cosmic Consciousness.

  • A mode of consciousness in which everything is experienced as ‘being one with everything else’.

  • Cosmic Consciousness involves a direct, intuitive experience of the infinite field of awareness that underlies and pervades the entire universe.

  • Some of the world's most renowned scientists are beginning to question whether the cosmos has an inner life similar to our own.

  • Cosmic Consciousness will one day become an everyday experience for all of mankind.

Selected Articles

Saturday, October 21, 2023

Keep a Closer Eye on Biocomputers and Quantum Computing Technology

Over a decade ago, I wrote several blogs providing a management overview on emerging Biocomputer and Quantum Computing technologies. At that time, these new computers were just emerging from the theoretical stage and initial prototypes were finally under development and being tested.

Today, we have moved on into the production and distribution of the 1st generation of these new systems and their preliminary use in a growing number of industries, e.g. military, medicine, financial management, manufacturing, logistics, artificial intelligence (AI), research and more.

According to Wired Magazine, Quantum Computing is about chasing perhaps the biggest performance boost in the history of technology. The following is a very brief, high level management overview on the status of these new systems. Let’s start with a simple definition of Quantum Computers:

Quantum computers harness the unique behavior of quantum physics—such as superposition, entanglement, and quantum interference—and apply it to computing.

Whoa! What does that mean? To get started, you ought to check out the following links:

Quantum computing has passed through a hype cycle to emerge on the other end of the startup life cycle. While quantum computing remains on the cusp of commercialization, early adoption and exploration by numerous companies is now well underway. To learn more about the growing potential of quantum computing, major risks and solutions, and the top quantum computer manufacturers, check out the following articles:

Bottom line, it’s time to start paying closer attention and preparing for how quantum computing will impact your life. By 2050, quantum computers will have dramatically changed America and the world.

Other Selected Links

Saturday, October 14, 2023

Misinformation, Disinformation, and ‘Fake News’ in the 21st Century

The following is a high level overview on the spread of Disinformation, Misinformation, ‘Fake News’, or Outright Lies about Religion, Healthcare, Politics, UFOs, Aliens, International Affairs, Economy, Stock Market… in this 21st century ‘Information Age’. It is more rampant than ever on today’s cable TV channels, the Internet, the blogosphere, social media, and other sources of information.

Sorting through the vast amount of information created and shared online is challenging even for many experts – specially when you’re looking for the ‘truth’. Do you know the difference between ‘fake news’, misinformation, and disinformation? Understanding the various ways that false information is shared, and the motives behind its creation, is extremely important in this ‘Information Age’. So let’s take a quick look at this issue.


Definitions for Misinformation, Disinformation, and ‘Fake News’

  • Misinformation - False information that is spread, regardless of whether there is intent to mislead.
  • Disinformation - Deliberately misleading or biased information; manipulated narrative or facts; propaganda.
  • Fake News - Purposefully crafted, sensational, emotionally charged, misleading or totally fabricated information that mimics the form of mainstream news.

The following are a couple of recent articles on misinformation, disinformation, and ‘fake news’ that you might want to take a few minutes to read for yourself.

In addition, there are several books you might want to check out about the Misinformation Age.

Here are a couple of final observations and thoughts you might also want to consider.

  • Sadly, commercial media organizations today have conflated profit with purpose, and news with entertainment. They no longer report the news, they create it, and have turned fact-based news into opinion-based gossip.
  • Its amazing to see how a small group of online sources are able to create a huge amount of chaos online, and destruction -- without any legal consequences.
  • Finally, have you noticed the plethora of cable TV shows on ‘history’ or ‘religion’ where UFOs and alien entities are said to be responsible for building the pyramids, visiting our world and passing along sacred scriptures, and so many other highly questionable claims.


Potential Solutions

The following are a selection of solutions needed to help counter misinformation, disinformation, and ‘fake news’.

  • First, we need to educate and clearly explain to people what misinformation is and why it’s actually very dangerous.
  • Second, people should not blindly trust every piece of information they hear or receive over digital news and social media platforms.
  • Third, fact-checkers must be employed and empowered by key institutions to verify questionable information and facts being shared by news media and social media influencers.
  • Fourth, people should be encouraged to broaden the selection of news and social media sources they use so they do not get trapped in a ‘bubble’, ignoring other credible factual resources.
  • Finally, we need both a nation-wide and world-wide effort by the public and private sectors, to build better media literacy, and to empower members of the public to recognize information or news designed specifically to mislead.